1. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Reflecting on the things we are grateful for can help put things in perspective and give us a positive reality check. A wonderful daily ritual to incorporate into your mornings is to think of three things you are grateful for before getting out of bed. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude!

2. NOTICE NATURE. Paying attention to the details of the natural world that surrounds us brings joy and can be particularly helpful in fostering a deep appreciation for all of the four seasons. Whether it's the way the sunlight hits the beads of moisture on a spider web or the magic of a single swelling leaf bud in late winter, take time to observe and appreciate the beauty that is around us every day.

3. BREATHE DEEPLY. In order to breathe properly you need to breathe deeply into your abdomen not just your chest. Your body is designed to release 70% of its toxins through breathing. If you are not breathing effectively, you are not properly ridding your body of its toxins. Proper breathing also strengthens the heart, lungs and immune system; it improves the nervous system, our energy levels and our moods as well as reducing anxiety and relaxing the mind.

4. HEALTHY HYDRATION. We all know that it is recommended to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. It increases energy and relieves fatigue, flushes out toxins, promotes weight loss, improves skin complexion, and boosts your immune system. Drinking water is such a basic thing yet most of us struggle with consuming even close to what is optimal. Make water more accessible for yourself by purchasing a couple styles of water bottles or sippy cups that work best for your routines and lifestyle. Try adding a sprig of mint or slices of citrus or cucumber. Always keep your water nearby and work to make drinking it a frequent habit throughout the day.

5. PRACTICE SMILING. Smiling has a lot of benefits. It releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin, it boosts your immune system, it lowers your blood pressure, it can change your mood, plus it lifts the face and makes you look younger! So put a little smile on your face whenever you can - you might be surprised by the positive effects such a simple action can have; both on you and those around you!